Saturday, February 14, 2009

13 February 2009, 6:56:58 PM
More of Gran

Gran arrives

ankles gasping for air

above the authority

of her laced up

pointy toed shoes

walking stick keeping rhythm

with metal heel protectors

from behind Mum's skirts

we offer her up

for her mother's inspection

(c) Merlene Fawdry

My grandmother's confessional
12 February 2009, 2:14:59 PM

My grandmother's confessional

the smell of coal gas

alien in that hydro powered state

added to her exotica

as she held court

in her step-down kitchen

giant bosoms suspended

over impossibly small

corseted waist

draining her teacup

she paused

pinkie extended

in exaggerated salute to etiquette

as she surveyed

the damp leaves

that rested against the eggshell china

then looked my way

one eyebrow raised

above all knowing eyes

and I begged for absolution

(c) Merlene Fawdry

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For some reason I'm yet to fathom I'm unable to reply to comments left by others so thank you for dropping by and taking the time to read and comment. Merlene