Friday, June 15, 2012

Author Blog Challenge #14

What has been the biggest surprise about writing/publishing your book? What has been the most enjoyable or most memorable aspect?

My response to today's challenge is short, not because surprises and memorable aspects are scant, but because they can be summed up as follows:

There have been many surprises in publishing The Hidden Risks. On a non-commercial level, was the unexpected level of interest shown by distant relatives and those outside the family, and the borrowing rate from libraries that carried the publication. Although I knew my research had been thorough, with all references cross checked in multiples, I am aware of the need in some people to question facts and figures, so I have been happily surprised no one has come forward to challenge my findings. I am also surprised that it is still in demand so many years after first publication.

One of the most enjoyable aspects was receiving the boxes of books and holding the finished product, the result of months of hard work, in my hand. The aroma of fresh print on paper is a heady tonic for any writer. Other memorable aspects have been in displaying the book at book fairs and other literary events and having it accepted for permanent holding in the heritage section of the state library.

~ Merlene Fawdry


  1. Sounds like a good enough reason to finish writing a book. Thanks for the insight.

  2. That aroma is intoxicating to a reader as well. I wonder at the high use of e-readers and think that, perhaps our senses in general are dulling. Books that I purchase in tangible form are never left sitting, unread, but books I purchase through my e-reader certainly are. Excellent post today. WRITE ON!


For some reason I'm yet to fathom I'm unable to reply to comments left by others so thank you for dropping by and taking the time to read and comment. Merlene