Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The weary blogger

This blog has been languishing for a while now, not quite hibernating but not a lot of action either.  I have a number of writing projects at various stages, but the main culprit is the time taken up with genealogy research where, as the ad for Ancestry.com says, one leaf leads to another, stretching back through the years in a sort of reverse growth pattern.  And when the leaves stop quivering, there's always Trove, where the past can be mined and treasures translated onto the page bringing the past into the present as some weird form of ancestor worship. This twelve month project is now halfway through its second year and I'm still hesitant to give an end date.

In between times, I am finding time to write new poems. A monthly requisite for the poetry group I attend is the creation of a poem written to a word theme - I never used to like themes much - but finding the prompts useful these days and it's always interesting to see and  hear how others have interpreted the theme, except for this month when it was my turn to choose the word and I blurt out the first word that comes to mind 'Risk'. 

Now where did that come from? I'm sure there's some deep Freudian explanation for this, however, I'll leave that one alone. So 'risk' it is and, what do you know, I'm stuck for words. I've written two poems that started out as a response yet ended quite differently - satisfyingly different but quite wide of the mark. 

I guess it's back to the blank page, or blank blog page to be more precise as I intend using this poetry prompt as a springboard back to regular blogging. Beginning tomorrow, I will start the drafting process - similar to an activity I undertook a couple of years ago with traditional poetry forms to show the development of a poem from concept to completion - and this is not without risks of its own.

1 comment:

For some reason I'm yet to fathom I'm unable to reply to comments left by others so thank you for dropping by and taking the time to read and comment. Merlene