Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Day 6 NaNoWriMo


A shorter word count today as I wanted to finish at the end of what will be part one of the book, although I only realised it would be in two parts once I'd reached this point. I also spent some hours re-checking facts and following up loose ends. I've covered the back story in part one, tomorrow I start on the actual Holmyard history with the hanging execution of Samuel Holmyard in 1818.

Excerpt from day 6 NaNoWriMo draft

I met Samuel not long after he arrived in Tasmania, while he was working on the railway in the Evandale area and we married after a whirlwind courtship. I’d only recently been released from gaol, however, as I no longer used either of the names I’d been convicted under and now lived in another town, I thought I could make a fresh start without impediments of the past to hold me down.  It wasn’t long, as I’ve previously mentioned, before Samuel began to hear snippets of gossip about my past that caused him to question even the most truthful of my assertions. And he wasn’t beyond a few boasts of his own, painting a picture of his family in England as more grand than they were and giving himself bogus military commissions into the bargain. In this way I suppose it could be said we were well suited to each other.

I won’t repeat the sordid details of our break up but after my return to Deloraine, Samuel took himself off to Brumby’s Creek, later renamed Beaconsfield, where he worked on the Grubb shaft gold mine.  By this time he knew our marriage had been bigamous and he was free to marry as he wished, uniting with Lillian Turner in 1896.  They had two children, Annie Eva , who was born and died in 1997, the same year Samuel’s mother died in England, and Arthur, born 1901. Samuel moved to the mainland in 1904 and died in Melbourne, Victoria, in 1933. 


  1. You are doing so well, Merlene. I decided not to do the Nanowrimo challenge this year - I wasn't up for the pressure! I do think there are great benefits in the challenge though, last year's challenge helping me to complete my memoir. I know it was during Nanowrimo last year that you completed Seth so obviously it was extremely beneficial for you last year too. Keep powering on!

  2. Hi, Good luck with your NaNoWrimo challenge.

    I found your great blog through the WLC Blog Follows on the World Literary Cafe! Great to connect! Here's mine;


For some reason I'm yet to fathom I'm unable to reply to comments left by others so thank you for dropping by and taking the time to read and comment. Merlene