Saturday, November 10, 2012

I've had a good run today and happy to be sitting at 21,740 words. This is the time when all the sub plots race each other to the finish, each competing for the final big bang. Today Derek (where did I get that name and what was I thinking of? Make note to self to change this - to - Perry - that's a better suit) continues on his predatory way, frustrated I haven't let him near the protagonist - I did this once, but that wasn't good - as his sexual aggression reaches boiling point.

Kylie is still in the cellar, but has a bit more freedom as Seth comes to trust her - well almost - and now he realises a broken hyoid bone stops her from speaking  he reckons he's pretty safe as long as they both manage to steer clear of Derek - who is now Perry - or he'll kill them both.

Maureen got lost in her Jim beam and took a stagger down the street to visit Seth with a swinging tomahawk, before being turned around by her daughter and escorted home where she passed out in a stupor.

In the case of good versus evil, who will win in the end - and is the good one really good? I wish I could hurry up and finish this so I can find out the answer.

Sneak peek Chapter twenty-eight

Wanting to avoid the curiosity of her neighbours, Carmel crossed High Street and turned right into the lane that ran down the back of the row of shops heading to Seth’s yard. All quiet except for the occasional bark of a lazy dog and a car starting up in a distant street. Good. That was what she wanted. As she walked over the uneven ground she rehearsed what she’d say to Seth. Nothing to be alarmed about – mother not herself – might do something silly. No, not that. Might come knocking on his door – except she wouldn’t knock, would she? She’d batter the bloody thing down. She crossed herself out of habit for swearing and decided not to rehearse. The words would find themselves when the time came.

1 comment:

  1. Initially when I read this post I read it as 'Merlene' got lost in her Jim beam, and thought you were talking about your self in third person... Well, I thought, we all need a little 'pick me up' from time to time.


For some reason I'm yet to fathom I'm unable to reply to comments left by others so thank you for dropping by and taking the time to read and comment. Merlene