Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Risk 2 Draft #2

my grandfather lays on the couch
a benign Mr Toad after a full lunch
hands supporting his round clasped below his belly

watching sunbeams play 
in the space between us

I stand, face frozen in a smile
(he calls me His Smiley),
that becomes painful to hold
yet I am fearful of it slipping
fearful of him
forgetting he will forget me
without its reminder

he recites Wordsworth
in the burr of his mother country
I fall into the thrall of his words stars

that twinkle on milky way

I sing, You are my Sunshine
(too young to know yet to learn I can't carry a tune)
his moustache bristles into a smile,
his eyes laugh, 
radiating as sparkling waves
before resuming his verse

where his heart dances
and my smile relaxes 
into its rightful place

1 comment:

  1. Very nice, It's good to see the way you work the verses until happy with them.

    It's a good lesson to all of us who want to write anything.


For some reason I'm yet to fathom I'm unable to reply to comments left by others so thank you for dropping by and taking the time to read and comment. Merlene