Thursday, September 12, 2013

It is done...

I began writing this novel during Nanowrimo 2011 and completed the first draft during Nanowrimo 2012. While written initially as a stream of consciousness, which allowed the story to find and follow itself, I found building the structure retrospectively a more difficult task. It has taken me almost another year to do this, while still retaining the essence of the story. I've learnt my lesson and in future will revert to what I encourage other writers to do - outline - plot- structure etc.

Although I've had other work published, both longer works and short stories, I was surprised at my own trepidation in publishing Seth. Ridiculous, when you think I bared my all, well almost, in The Little Mongrel and have published poetry and short stories of controversial content with hardly a quiver - so why should I worry how I may be judged for Seth?

My lack of confidence in this work was unexpected, over-riding any sense of achievement in completing the work and I see this can only be a good thing. I've stepped outside my comfort zone of poetry and non-fiction into the world of longer fiction, taken the risk the sexual references may offend some (in particular my writing peers) and faced my fear of being caught, like the Emperor, in the literary 'altogether'. 

Be Kind


1 comment:

  1. I found your great blog through the WLC Blog Follows on the World Literary Cafe! Great to connect! I love your blog!


For some reason I'm yet to fathom I'm unable to reply to comments left by others so thank you for dropping by and taking the time to read and comment. Merlene