Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Kindle and other things...

As I'm in the process of publishing Seth on Amazon, where it will be available in Kindle format, it seems a good time to speak a little about reading Ebooks in this format.

Kindle reader apps are available for Android phone or tablet, iPad, iPhone, Mac, Windows 8 PC or tablet, BlackBerry, or Windows Phone.

I’ve had an Ereader for a few years now and it's served me well, the only downside has been the restriction as to where and what format I could purchase or receive books for this device. From time to time I was tempted to buy a Kindle, to broaden my Ereading opportunities, but never quite got around to going ahead with the purchase – I’m glad I didn’t.

The good news is you don't need to buy a Kindle device to enjoy Kindle books as the Kindle app is available for every major smartphone, tablet, and computer. All you have to do is download a free Kindle app to start reading Kindle books on all your devices. That’s right, and you only have to buy a Kindle book once and you can read it on any device with the Kindle app installed. Books I have bought and downloaded I can now read on my PC, laptop, Android tablet and there are also thousands of free books available for a Kindle app, including many popular classics. As I tend to buy a lot of reference books, this choice allows me more freedom as to where and when I work.

There are over one million Kindle books, including new releases and you can read the first chapter of a book before deciding whether to buy it. This has only ever swayed me from buying the one time and that’s because the book was in need of a good copy edit and I knew I wouldn’t be able to read it in its present form. A shame really, as I’m sure the story itself was sound - well maybe not when I think about it - too many unnecessary taglines and dialogue attributes.

This leads me to the wisdom of having your book copy edited before publishing. Writers do themselves no favours by putting out inferior work, as this is what will form the cornerstone of their reputation. Negative reputation is much harder to step aside from than positive. You know the old saying - ‘mud sticks.’ 

If you want to be a writer who's read and enjoyed by others, take you time and do it well. If you just want to call yourself a writer and don't really mind if anyone reads your work or not, it won't matter what shape it's in. 

Which kind of writer are you?


  1. I'll certainly grab a copy of Seth tomorrow, Merlene. I recently bought a Kindle and was disappointed to realise I couldn't download e-books from the library (guess I should have done my homework prior!). Apparently, because Amazon owns Kindle, they don't like the idea of you getting free e-books when you should be buying them from Amazon! I guess that makes sense. Having said that I do love the freedom of e-books and the lightweight Kindle device. Although I have downloaded the free Kindle app onto my PC, I don't like reading at the computer and would much rather be reading in bed.

  2. Thank you, Chris. I'm not sure how the library/Kindle thing works. I thought perhaps the library has to have some sort of Licence User Agreement with Amazon in order to access books but not sure. I don't like reading on my PC either, but find it useful for reference purposes, with the Kindle app open on one monitor and the document I'm working on open on the other. The good thing is, once you buy an Ebook, you can download it to any device you own so I have copies of my purchased books on every device and use my tablet for reading in bed.


For some reason I'm yet to fathom I'm unable to reply to comments left by others so thank you for dropping by and taking the time to read and comment. Merlene