The Day 35 prompt asks
our authors what they will do to continue the momentum they have built.
Although I wish I could
say that I’ll keep up the momentum, I can’t say I will, as writing daily posts
takes away from the time I need to write and complete other projects. As I
mentioned in an earlier post, there’s not much point building and maintaining a
platform, if all you have in the end is an empty stage.
With NaNoWriMo beginning
in November, I hope to post on my progress or the process of what is almost a
stream of consciousness method of getting the story down, commenting on the
highs, lows and wisdom (or lack thereof) of this method.
Last year I began a
novella, The Caretaker’s Cottage, writing
50.517 words over thirty days. My intention this year was to complete this
work, however, after letting it rest for almost a year, I’m finding much I don’t
like about it – just about everything from the storyline to the characters.
Therein lies the dilemma of whether to scrap it entirely, edit like mad over
the remaining days of this month, or simply begin another project or fast track
one that’s been in the wings.
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For some reason I'm yet to fathom I'm unable to reply to comments left by others so thank you for dropping by and taking the time to read and comment. Merlene